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Right now there are 166 collectors viewing our minis.

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Your shopping cart is temporary until you are logged in. If you add items to your temporary cart and then close your browser or leave the store for more than a few minutes, the items in your cart disappear.

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If you are logged in or sign up, any items in your cart will be saved until the next time you visit. This is convenient if you like to take your time and browse through our large selection during more than one visit.

Confirming In-Stock Status
If you see something in our store, that means we have it in stock. When something is out of stock, it disappears from the listing until we receive more.

If you order multiple quantities of an item, you should check your shopping cart - if you try to buy more of something than we have on hand, we'll let you know in your shopping cart.

Updating, Changing, Deleting Items from your Cart
It's easy to update the list of items in your shopping cart. Simply view your shopping cart by clicking on the "shopping cart" text on the top navigation bar (look on the right side), and from there you can change quantities or delete items from your cart.
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The products on this site are collectible miniatures for adults and are not meant for children